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Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without lights!

This year we want to share the best and most powerful light of all:

Jesus - the light of the world.


We would love you to join us for any of our events and services - you will be so welcome!


To help us with planning and resources, booking is needed for the families' event on 7th December and the Christingle Service on 22nd December (booking links below) but for other services please just come along and if you have any questions please get in touch.


note: there's no morning service on Sunday 15th and no service on Sunday 29th.

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a morning of fun, festive family activities with refreshments available from the coffee tree

Saturday 7th December, 10:00am-12:30pm

Cost: £2 per child on the door. 

Please book places for each child here

candlelit carol service

warm, festive & joyful

Sunday 15th December, 6:30-7:30pm

mulled wine (& non-alcoholic alternative) & mince pies served from 6:00pm

join us at church or watch online


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This Christmas we are supporting the Tearfund Christmas Appeal to help families around the world break the cycle of poverty and bring joy and there will be opportunity to donate by card (preferred) or cash 

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FAMILY christingle service

sharing the light & hope of Christmas

Sunday 22nd December, 10:30-11:30am

So that we can make sure we have enough resources for everyone, please book places here

christmas day celebration

sharing the joy of Christmas with friends & family

Wednesday 25th December, 10:30-11:15am

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