Jesus teaches us how to pray, by calling God "Father".
God wants you to speak to Him, He longs to hear your voice. We see this as an incredible invitation and so we love to pray, knowing these aren't empty words - we are being listened to by our heavenly Father. God listens to, and answers our prayers!
It's amazing...
And so we've set aside a room in our building just for prayer. Whenever our building is open, this room is open for anyone to use for prayer. You'd be really welcome...
But, you don't have to pray in a church building, you can speak to God wherever you are, in your own language and words. You can speak to God about anything.
pray Together
Praying with other people is powerful and encouraging.
tuesday Prayer: On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, we pray together from 8 – 9 pm. Our prayers are focused around scripture and from that our prayer flows to God our Father. Sometimes these are grouped around mission - local and worldwide, discipleship, pastoral care, home group life, world needs or other areas.
These are informal prayer sessions where you can come and pray silently or out loud, join in or just spend time with God with others. Everyone is welcome!
Home Groups: Most of our church community are connected to a home group and whenever we meet together, we pray. Talking to God about what He's been teaching us, asking Him to move in our lives and praying for our community and world.
Find out more about our home groups here >
Boiler Room: A group of us sit together and listen to God, seeking to hear His voice - speaking into our lives, into our church. To understand more about listening to God and when this group meets please contact Sallie >
Prayer Ministry: Every Sunday there are people ready to pray with you. They are normally sat at the front after the service and you can ask them to pray about anything small or large, specific or vague. You can just sit next to them and say, "Can you pray for me?"
Prayer Chain: We gather on Sundays and then scatter throughout the week to our homes, jobs and lives - this is one way we pray for each other's specific or urgent prayer requests on-the-go. People from church would love to be praying for you.
Need prayer? Email the prayer chain:
If you want to join the praying team, let us know >